Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Let's Start Choosing Topics!

Dear Students,

This must be a new experience to you as it is to me. So, let's learn together. I will be using this blog to post assignments for from time to time. I will give you a user password with which you can log in, read the postings, post your comments or submit an assignment. I will also try to correct assignment online for everybody to learn from.
For today, I want to get ideas of stories for our AKO magazine. The stories you write for it helps your final assessment mark. Your contributions in class will also be used to judge. As we progress, we will be able to post audio passages for you to listen to, and report back to class during classes. I will post more later.
Write your comments and tell me what you think. Be free with your suggestions.
Austen - teacher


Austen said...

I'm still waiting for the First post. Two people said they posted their comments when we met on Thursday. I can't see them. Please be sure you did it correctly. Never forget to press the button "Publish Your Comment". Hace a nice day on the web.


the gamer blog said...

Great start Austen,

Hope your project works.


Angela said...


I think your off to a great start. I'm sure your students will enjoy using the blog as you have proposed.

I hope to do something similar with my own students. For now my blog is basically for teachers' comments. So, do drop by and leave some of your thoughts:

All the best,


Unknown said...

I have visited all of the three blogs you initiated, and I think the creation of those blogs is a great initiative!
I just know that will help us (the students) improve our english if we participate indeed.
By the way, I like all of your blogs but I prefer the one made for business english students!

webgina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
webgina said...

I've added you to my blogroll... maybe when I get going our students can get involved in an exchange??


webgina said...


I'm following your blogs with avid interest... I'd like to open my blog up to my students as well and have been hemming and hawing....


Gildas said...

You are so wonderful Austen may God bless you in this work.


Gildas said...

This can help us to learn very well William Chekespear language.

What would be the world If God were human being?

Gildas said...

Good better best may I never rest until my good is better and my better best.


Gildas said...

I'd like to shear with you this.Is the word Wife means a slave?


Austen said...

Gildas, your question frightens me. How could ask if the word 'wife' means 'slave'. I think the word 'wife'is the most honorable word with which a woman can be described. Remember, this is my thought only. If you disagree, let me know.

Again, I think your French word 'femme' which means 'woman' or 'wife' may be misleading you. many students use 'woman' for 'wife'. Real wives do not care to be described as women by their husbands. I implies that they are just sexual partners. so, be careful when you refer to somebody's wife as that person's woman.


Unknown said...

Hey, I would like to know what lets Gilda presume that wife means slave. I think a wife is not a slave and must not be treated like a slave.

Gladys Baya said...

Great idea, Austen!
If you have the chance, it'd be ideal to support students in their first visit to this blog (perhaps you can go to a cybercentre together, or your school has a computer lab)? Showing them a Powerpoint of the screens they'll see (and ideally printing the screenshots for them) could also help if the first option is not possible... Or perhaps your students are already bloggers, and they don't need this support!



Austen said...

Gildas, you really understand what the blog is for. Keep writing. However, I'd like to point out a few grammar errors for Gildas. That is the reason for this blog in the first instance.
"This can help us to learn very well William Chekespear language."

"This can help learn William Shakespeare's language very well" Can you notice the corrections?

The word you mean when you said 'shear' is 'share'. A shear is a heavy scissors used by gardebers to prune flowers. I know you will never forget these little errors.


Ligth On said...

This is my first tour. It's a great idea.
Thank you very much!
Advance 1

Ligth On said...

For Gildas!
We all are in some ways slaves according to our weaknesses. What do you think about that?

But a wife may be considerer in some ways as a slave of this great virtue that she's naturally gotten. Her ability to love so much that she serves of her own free will, her soulmate and children if there is.

Even thought that some men/husbands profit so much of this that they transform their wife in slave, depending on their own power and influence as any slavery system for that matter.

I was asked one day to choose whether I would like to be a man or woman if I had the choice. As far as I'm concerned as a man and African it was very difficult to answer that I'd like to be a woman. But today, i know why it's so difficult. I was afraid and I'm still. I don't think I've developed enough qualities and virtues (love, patience, strength, courage, humility, serviceability, ...) to success a woman life.

Lameyeur ! said...

Hallo !

My name is Benoît M. E. PAMAZI.

I am attending English courses (Advanced I) in the American Language Center of Lomé (TOGO). Iam going to give you my point of view about Publicity in Togo.

Togo is one of the underdevelopped countries of West Africa. Since the year 2000 we have noticed that many of the countries of West Africa are evolving espacially in the use of New Technologies of Information and Communication such as computers, internet, mobile phones etc. But due to the sociopolitc problems of our country we are today far behind our neighbours espacially on the field of cinema and media. As there is a lot of films on the market for togoleses, I have prefered to talk only about a have remarqued concerny the publicity in Togo.

First of all the reglementation about the publicity in Togo is very poor. This reglementation is ruled by « BUTODRA –BUreau TOgolais du Droit d’Auteur » that is the « Service in Charge of the CopyRight in Togo ». There arenot much laws about Publicity so that for many cases of Publicity problems it is very difficult to know who is right or wrong.

The second problem about Pubicity in Togo is that there is only only one high school teaching on Pubicity since 2004. It is ISICA (Institut des Sciences de l’Information, de la Communication et des Arts Graphiques ; that it « Sciences of Information Communication and Arts Institut ») of Lomé University. The formation remainds since three years only for two years so that the students have not even the chance to continue abroad with the LMD system which requires a minimum of three years before getting the equivalence to continue the studies (for the Master)…

In summary, there are no special services making really professional publicity in Togo ; only small or limited ones are existing. That is why for it’s settlement in Togo « Moov Inc. » chose a Publicity Service of Ivory Coast to make all it’s publicity…

Our country Togo have a lot to do on the publicity field because all the boring publicities seen on our local TVs make a great shame one us. And every togolese must be involved in this struggl

I am in the 2nd year of my formation in Publicity and Graphic Arts in ISICA on Lomé Université and that is what I wanted to share with you !

Goodby !!!

Gildas said...

In the old days,wife means slave because the wife is the only person took care of the hole house,But nowadays the ,eaning has changed that is why I want to know you'r opinion.


Gildas said...

If all men were one man what great that man would be?
If all trees were one tree what big that tree would be?
If all seas were one sea what large that sea would be?
If all axes were one axe what big thet axe would be?
If the great man cut the big tree with the big axe into the large sea what split splash that would be?

Gildas said...

For ligth on I'm agree with you there are some men who think that wife or woman is like cloth after using we may throw it away. but let them know that wife or woman is like a diamond in the sky we must take care of them because she is the one who gives life.

You must also know that life without wife or woman is not possible.

Unknown said...

Hi gildas, I like much your post that said:"If all men were one man what great that man would be?
", anyway in the previous post, I would like to underline some errors and maybe we will discuss about them to see whether you were right or I am!
you said:
"...wife means slave because the wife is the only person took care of the hole house,But nowadays the ,eaning has changed that is why I want to know you'r opinion"
I think the words and phrases in bold should be person who took ; whole ; have your opinion
In your last post on feb 1st, we can read:
"For ligth on I'm agree with you there are some men who think that wife or woman is like cloth after using we may throw it away. but let them know that wife or woman is like a diamond in the sky we must take care of them because she is the one who gives life".
I think it should be I agree with you that ther... ; clothes ; we must take care of them because they are

Unknown said...

Back again!
I would just like to give an opinion... I think that life without wife is possible but life without wowen is surely not possible.

Gildas said...

hi Ashraf I thank you for your attention.I thank you also for your correction.I would like to write meaning in my comment but I commited an error by puting ,eaning

Thank you for your understanding.


Gildas said...

Hi Bloggers I would like to have your opinion about this topic:you are not satisfied with one of your teacher.What advice would you give him or her?


Gildas said...

Do you know?

Proverbs express in a few words a truth which relates to everyday experience.We can find proverbs which fit most human situation.Proverbs are used to give a word of advice or of warning,or a zise general comment on asituation they do this in a precise style which make them easy to remember.
English idiom and how to use them.

Ligth On said...

Hi Gildas,

You may disagree with your teacher, but just consider generally that you have no advice to give him. Make suggestions and Just speak frankly without forgetting that he is The teacher (with all respect due this noble work - Even thought work is said to be human slavery).



Unknown said...

dear sir,
it is with a great pleasure to be tuned on your blogspot. it will be an occasion for us to express ourselves through the computer.i am one of your student and my name is foley-dahlen folly.my opinion about the blogspot is very positive. through this initiative we can exchange our ideas.before leaving ,i warmly invite people to think about the political situation in africa specially in tchad right now.

Austen said...

Hi Everyone,
I know many of you have started your own blogs as we discussed in class. What remains now is to advertize these blogs through writing their addresses on the your comments.

When you finish your comments, read through them to take care of errors. Mistakes are welcome. corrections and healthy debates are encouraged. Feel free to do them on the comment pages, but be polite.

concerning Chad, the situation is pitiable, and helps make the world have worse opinions of Africa, and things African than ever before. We are talking og the Sudanese massacres and genocide, in comes the Kenyan killings, and now, rebels in chad are attacking the elected government. The international community should take drastic action to end these conflicts immediately.

Have yourt say!

Gildas said...

Hi bloggers i creat a blog for us let's give our opinion.
The address is http://gildas-comment.blogspot.com

Go and give your opinion about the first topic.


Gildas said...

for ligth on

I say thank you go and find my topic on http://gildas-comment.blogspot.com


Hala said...

Hi again from Sudan,
I think your kick-off was a powerful one, reading the discussion of your students about wife+slave( very interesting topic that could lead to the meaning of marriage, what do they think of the relation between wives and husbands, what does it need to have a happy marriage, etc)
Hope my students could interact with yous one day!

Unknown said...

I'm Queenida from Lome-Togo
a student at ELC Avanced 1
Austen, this is a good initiative!
I wish everyone of us will enjoy him or her self on the blog.

This is my story for AKO

I was testing the children in my Sunday school class
to see if they understood the concept of getting to heaven.

I asked them, 'If I sold my house and my car, had a big

garage sale and gave all my money to the church,

Would that get me into Heaven?'

'NO!' the children answered.

'If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard, and kept

everything neat and tidy, would that get me into Heaven?'

Again, the answer was, 'NO!'

By now I was starting to smile.

Hey, this was fun!

'Well, then, if I was kind to animals and gave candy to all

the children, and loved my husband, would that get me into Heaven?'

I asked them again.
Again, they all answered, 'NO!'

I was just bursting with pride for them.

'Well,' I continued, 'then how can I get into Heaven?'

A five-year-old boy shouted out,


Unknown said...

Today, I've prepare many things to share with you.

This is a confession:

"One flaw in women"

Women have strengths that amaze men.

They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.

They sing when they want to cry.

They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in.

They stand up to injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without so their family can have.

They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.

They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding.

Their hearts break when a friend dies.

They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.

They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning.

They bring joy, hope and love.

They have compassion and ideas.

They give moral support to their family and friends.

Women have vital things to say and everything to give.


Unknown said...

Happy Valentin day!

I wish you all enjoy this day.


What does Valentin day mean?

Fabiana Bridi Santos said...

Hi Austen,

I was glad to see the discussion going on here. The discussion about the meaning of the word "wife" really interests me. I'll come back to read the comments more carefully.

I watched the video you posted about "Early in the morning" and I was wondering if you could contribute to my site http://www.eaustralia.blogspot.com/ with a song that reminds you of your home country.

Greetings from Brazil,


Austen said...

These are fantastic comments, Queenida. if women have all these qualities, i wonder what' left for men. Guys, is anyone going to say something nice for us? get cracking.

Unknown said...

hi sir,
as you have said it about the pbwiki,i visited it and it think your new initiative is not bad.it is a very good idea.but as far as am concerned the blog is very exciting.that is why i decided to be back on the blog .this time i would particularly like to draw people atention on this event.first,i want to ask if getting pregnant is a must? now women dare to kill their babies after delivered .why this situation in our country?on the other hand i do not understand why the president of the u.s.a can visit benin not our lovely country togo.i hope reading people very soon after thinking about such situation.

Austen said...

I wonder if you have problem with capital letters at the beginning of sentences? Look through your work again and you'll see what I've just pointed out.

Thanks for your continuous contributions. howevr, why is nobody taking up the challenge from the lady, Queenida? Somebody, do something for the men.

Unknown said...

Hi folly,
At first George Bush cannot visit all the countries unless he has nothing else to do... Moreover, the choice is very clear: Democracy is well advanced in Benin than in Togo unfortunatelly. Anyway, we don't even expect to be in a situation which may turn our country into a terrorist attacks targeted country since terrorists often attack where US armed forces are established.

Austen said...


Wherever you are, it would seems that everyday we have to deal with crime. It is logical to wonder: "Are the existing ways of prevention - punishment - effective? Do the prisons correct the offenders? More importantly, does the society really want to eradicate the roots of the problem?

When we come to the ways of prevention, the offenders become very astuce (French?) and careful once in the society and apt to commit another crime again. In reality, the jail becomes a pivate school for delinquents and some offences aren't be punished (What do you mean?).

Those commit crime to survive (Not a sentece. A topic sentence must be complete).Their crime is caused by the way they think, and not the environment in which they live. So, instead of considering delinquents as victims they are torturers (criminals?) who chose that way of life.

Please do more work here. The topic is rich, and deserves to be discussed more. Bring it up in class for general discussion. OK?

Austen said...

This last story comes from Gildas for publication in the AKO with some comments from me.